From Passion to Profit: 7 Time-Tested Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success

20 years in the game, 4 healthy and living companies co-founded and invested in 20+. Some went well, some less!
I would like to share 7 findings that, if followed, will increase the chance of successful founders, enterprises and projects to bloom:
1. There is no 4 hours work week.
Those who want to build a company that lasts, grind. The successful founders that I met are dreamers, obsessed hard workers and if you ask them if they work hard they will say they are not. They are just pursuing a dream.
2. The founder brings the cash home.
He is the ultimate salesperson, he is the ultimate pitch master.
Money is crucial to scale. Scale creates barriers to entry. Barriers bring more cash.

3. No metrics. No party.
If you don’t pitch with numbers you don’t get the funds. Easy.
You are playing the startup game and you need to raise money to scale?
Well, learn the metrics, the lexicon, and master it. You don’t play the game if you don’t know the rules.
4. Culture first.
I wrote plenty about it link here. You scale if you build a culture within the organization. Anyone wearing the company jersey should know what they stand for. From the janitor to the CEO
5. The 10 second rule:
A successful founder is able to explain a business idea in 10 seconds. If you can’t: out of my way :)
6. If you don’t measure, you fail:
Successful founders have KPIs and metrics and they are crazy about them. They want to have the month-on-month performance. If you are not measuring compulsively, you are wasting your time in a constant reality distortion. I am a master of reality distortion, but hey, once per week I look at my numbers and I make corrective actions. From the moment I was born as an entrepreneur.
7. Don’t blame “the low season”
The successful founder knows that seasonality can’t be blamed. Those who say “pfft, it’s summertime, nobody buys” are the losers not able to play ahead. Startups must grow, day after day, rain or shine, and the successful founders: MEASURE IT!
At Monx our crusade is to help successful founders to MEASURE! The more I measure the happier I am!